Shipping & Return Policy

  • Tracking details are shared with the customers within 2 hours of shipping from seller.
  • Shipping time is an estimated duration which can vary based on several factors.
  • Shipping time is calculated excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
  • Any damage to the product during shipping will be taken up with the respective courier partner.
  • Shipping address refers to where the product has to be shipped and therefore you are requested to mention your complete address with pin/zip code and a working phone number. 
  • Billing address refers to the address where a customer receives their credit card bills. ​


We at have a multi-level check to ensure that a genuine and top-quality product reaches our customer. Still if you receive a damaged product or you do not like the product, you can return the product as per below mentioned guidelines.

​Product can be exchanged only if issue is notified within 48 hours of receiving the product.

The product will be checked by the team on return and action will be taken accordingly.

The customer will receive a gift card worth the amount of the product, which can be used for future purchases at